The couple’s matching hair comes after Kardashian first unveiled her blonde look at the 2022 Met Gala. The mom of four opted for a Balenciaga hoodie and pantaboots while the New York native wore a padded black jacket and dark jeans. The Kardashians star and actor put their blonde makeovers on display again as they were spotted in casual, but parallel ensembles while arriving in London. The duo couldn’t keep their hands off each other, rocking coordinated black ensembles while sharing a smooch for the camera. Kardashian was close by, letting her silvery mane flow in the wind as she posed in Skims for a photo shoot.ĭays earlier, Davidson showed off his fresh look in a series of videos the Selfish author shared on her Instagram Story.
In May 2022, Davidson was seen outside Kardashian’s Calabasas office wearing a shower cap covering his newly dyed hair. In what appears to be an attempt to claim the title as chicest couple, the comedian ditched his brunette tresses for platinum ones to match his lady’s bleach blonde ‘do. Just like their romance, Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson‘s couple style is heating up! The lovebirds are making their affection known with fashionable moments on and off the red carpet.